Analisi isotopica per la tracciabilità dei prodotti regionali

Il nostro ultimo lavoro dal titolo “Geographic tracing of cereals from South Tyrol (Italy) and neighboring regions via 87Sr/86Sr isotope analysis” pubblicato su Food Chemistry è ora disponibile OpenAccess. 

In questa pubblicazione presentiamo i risultati del nostro studio sull’applicazione dell’analisi isotopica dello stronzio per la caratterizzazione ed il riconoscimento dell’origine geografica dei cereali prodotti in Alto Adige e nelle regioni limitrofe del Trentino e Tirolo, con una approfondita analisi sul legame tra questo marker e le caratteristiche geo-litologiche dei territori.


The protection and promotion of agricultural niche products can be supported by the application of analytical techniques able to link food to its territory. This study aimed at exploring the possibility to discriminate between cereal samples from South Tyrol (Italy) and the neighboring regions (Trentino, East Tyrol, and North Tyrol) by their 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Soil and grain (different species) samples were collected from around 100 fields in two sampling campaigns. No difference in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios among different cereal species (p < 0.05) was found when cultivated on the same field. A high correlation between 87Sr/86Sr ratios in cereal grains and soil samples was found, with results in line with the local geology characteristics. Cereal samples from South Tyrol showed relatively high 87Sr/86Sr values (0.716 – 0.721, mean 50%), separating them from the other regions investigated and many cereal production areas of global importance.

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