Eco research


The Board of Directors is the governing body of Eco Research. It is responsible for the acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration. The president of the board of directors is responsible for signing the association’s name and for representing the association both vis-à-vis third parties and in court. The director acts as the professional head of Eco Research and implements the guidelines for the scientific and management structure. The research activity is carried out by technical collaborators who are active in research and development.

Board of directors:  

President:       Dr. Lucia Piva

Councillors:    Dr. Rosina Ruatti

                         Ing. Wolfram Sparber 

Director:          Dr. Werner Tirler

Legal auditor: Dr. Thomas Pircher

Scientific Advisory Counsil:

Dr. Roberta Bottarin

Prof. Francesco Comiti

Dr. Peter Robatscher

Ing. Marco Palmitano