Eco research


Drip irrigation frequency leads to plasticity in root water uptake by apple treesBrighenti, S., Tagliavini, M., Comiti, F., Aguzzoni A., Giuliani, N., Ben Abdelkader, A., Penna, D., Zanotelli, D.Agricultural Water Management Volume 298, 108870.2024Download
Root water uptake and water transport to above-ground organs compensate for winter water losses and prevent shoot dehydration in apple treesThalheimer, M., Aguzzoni A., Wittemann, M.S., Carlino, U., Tagliavini, M.Agricultural Water Management Volume 291, 1086222024Download
Tracing the origin of food using MC-ICP-MSAguzzoni, A., Tirler, W., Bacher, F., Robatscher, P., Tagliavini, M., Pellegrini, M., Craig, G., Bouman, C., Roberts, J.Thermo Fisher Scientific, Customer application note 0024002023Download
Where is your food from? Strontium isotopes trace the origin of cerealsBacher, F., Aguzzoni, A., Chizzali S., Pignotti, E., Puntscher, H., Zignale, P., Voto, G., Tagliavini M., Tirler W., Robatscher P.Research Features, 1482023Download
Indicazioni Geografiche e Marker Chimici: Una Garanzia di Tracciabilità dei Prodotti AgroalimentariAguzzoni, A.Consortium, La rivista scientifica delle Indicazioni Geografiche2023Download
Estimating uptake and internal transport dynamics of irrigation water in apple trees using deuterium-enriched waterGiuliani N., Aguzzoni A., Penna D., Tagliavini M.Agricultural Water Management Volume 289, 108532.2023Download
Isotopic and chemical signatures of high mountain rivers in catchments with contrasting glacier and rock glacier coverBrighenti, S., Engel, M., Dinale, R., Tirler, W., Voto, G., Comiti, F.Journal of Hydrology, Volume 623, 129779.2023Download
Herkunftsnachweis von RegiokornBacher, F.; Robatscher, P., Tagliavini, M.; Aguzzoni, A.; Tirler, W.Südtiroler Landwirt2023Download
Geographic Tracing of Cereals from South Tyrol (Italy) and Neighboring Regions via 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Analysis.Bacher, F., Aguzzoni, A., Chizzali, S., Pignotti, E., Puntscher, H., Zignale, P., Voto, G., Tagliavini, M., Tirler, W., Robatscher, P.Food Chemistry, 134890.2023Download
Water uptake dynamics in apple trees assessed by an isotope labeling approach.Aguzzoni, A., Engel, M., Zanotelli, D., Penna, D., Comiti, F., & Tagliavini, MAgricultural Water Management, 266, 107572. 2022Download
Sr isotope ratio in vegetable crops and apple trees depends on that of the soil environment while is unaffected by the genotypeChizzali, S., Aguzzoni, A., Pignotti, E., Zelger, J., Voto, G., Zignale, P., Tagliavini, M., Tirler, W., & Robatscher, P.Italus Hortus, 28(3), 49. 2021Download
Multi‐chemical analysis combined with chemometrics to characterize PDO and PGI Italian applesAguzzoni, A., Bassi, M., Pignotti, E., Robatscher, P., Scandellari, F., Tirler, W., & Tagliavini, M. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101(12), 5106–51152021Download
Contrasting physical and chemical conditions of two rock glacier springs.Brighenti, S., Engel, M., Tolotti, M., Bruno, M. C., Wharton, G., Comiti, F., Tirler, W., Cerasino, L., & Bertoldi, W. Hydrological Processes, 35(4). 2021Download
The Bolzano Tracer Experiment (BTEX). Zardi, D., Falocchi, M., Giovannini, L., Tirler, W., Tomasi, E., Antonacci, G., Ferrero, E., Alessandrini, S., Jimenez, P. A., Kosovic, B., & Delle Monache, L. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(5), E966–E989.2021Download
Sr isotope composition of Golden Delicious apples in Northern Italy reflects the soil 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the cultivation area. Aguzzoni, A., Bassi, M., Pignotti, E., Robatscher, P., Scandellari, F., Tirler, W., & Tagliavini, M. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(9), 3666–3674. 2020Download
A dataset of tracer concentrations and meteorological observations from the Bolzano Tracer EXperiment (BTEX) to characterize pollutant dispersion processes in an Alpine valley.Falocchi, M., Tirler, W., Giovannini, L., Tomasi, E., Antonacci, G., & Zardi, D. Earth System Science Data, 12(1), 277–291. 2020Download
Determination of origin of South Tyrolean apples using Sr isotope ratio analysis: fundamentals and implementation. Chizzali, S., Bassi, M., Pignotti, E., Aguzzoni, A., Scandellari, F., Voto, G., Zignale, P., & Guerra, WLaimburg Journal. 2020Download
Intra- and intertree variability of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in apple orchards and its correlation with the soil 87Sr/86Sr ratio. Aguzzoni, A., Bassi, M., Robatscher, P., Scandellari, F., Tirler, W., & Tagliavini, M. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(20), 5728–5735. 2019Download
Controls on spatial and temporal variability in streamflow and hydrochemistry in a glacierized catchment. Engel, M., Penna, D., Bertoldi, G., Vignoli, G., Tirler, W., & Comiti, F.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23(4), 2041–2063. 2019Download
Plant Sr isotope ratios as affected by the Sr isotope ratio of the soil and of the external Sr inputs. Aguzzoni, A., Bassi, M., Robatscher, P., Tagliavini, M., Tirler, W., & Scandellari, F. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(40), 10513–10521. 2018Download
Pcdd/f emissions from virgin and treated wood combustion. Passamani, G., Rada, E. C., Tirler, W., Tava, M., Torretta, V., & Ragazzi, M.International Journal of Energy Production and Management, 2(1), 17–27. 2017Download
In vitro assessment of toxicological profile of drugs present in wastewater obtained from Bozen water treatment plant.Gabbia, D., Pasolli, V., Monteleone, G., Tirler, W., & Carrara, M. (Toxicology Letters, 258, S219.2016Download
Small-scale biomass gasification CHP systems: Comparative performance assessment and monitoring experiences in South Tyrol (Italy). Patuzzi, F., Prando, D., Vakalis, S., Rizzo, A. M., Chiaramonti, D., Tirler, W., Mimmo, T., Gasparella, A., & Baratieri, M. Energy, 112, 285–293. 2016Download
Incense, sparklers and cigarettes are significant contributors to indoor benzene and particle levels. Tirler, W., & Settimo, G. Annali Dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 51(1), 28–33. 2015Download
Management of atmospheric pollutants from waste incineration processes: the case of Bozen. Ragazzi, M., Tirler, W., Angelucci, G., Zardi, D., & Rada, E. C. Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 31(3), 235–240. 2013Download
Resembling a “natural formation pattern” of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins by varying the experimental conditions of hydrothermal carbonization.Tirler, W., & Basso, A. Chemosphere, 93(8), 1464–1470. 2013Download
Ultrafine particle emission from incinerators: The role of the fabric filter.Buonanno, G., Scungio, M., Stabile, L., & Tirler, W. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62(1), 103–111. 2012Download
A critical analysis of emissions and atmospheric dispersion of pollutants from plants for the treatment of residual municipal solid waste. Ionescu, G., Zardi, D., Tirler, W., Rada, E. C., & Ragazzi, MUPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, 74(4), 227–240. 2012Download
Analysis of PCBs in emission samples: non ortho, mono-ortho and homolog totals by level of chlorination.Tirler, W., Voto, G., Donegà, M., & Kahr, G. n.d.Download


2023Applicazione con metodologia didattica EAS in Apprendimenti Situati: sviluppo di un prototipo per lo studio del ruolo della ventilazione meccanica controllata su salubrità e qualità dell’aria negli ambienti confinati - processi e modelli didattici per prototyping in ambiente indoorVucemillo, E., Modonese, D., Donegà, M., Tirler, W., Pernigotto G.Ecomondo 2023; Rimini (Italy)
2023Confort aria indoorTirler, W.Condominio 4.0; Trento (Italy)
2023Emerging contaminantsTirler, W.Messen von Dioxinen, PCB, PBF und POP´s (E&G); Fulda (D)
2022Qualità dell’aria indoor negli ambienti scolastici: progetto SIAQ (School Indoor Air Quality).Bosio, C., Cecere, E., Del Din, A., Faustin, G., Franzoi, M., Fraschetta, L., Frasnelli, D., Giacomin, S., Giovannini, S., Lazzarotto, F., Lazzeri, C., Manca, D., Mazzarelli, M., Tomio, T., Volcan, D., Modonese, D., Pellizzari, V., Burzacca, P., Donega, M., Tirler, W. Ecomondo 2022; Rimini (Italy)
2022Decontaminazione da POP mediante carbonizzazione idrotermale (HTC). Tirler, W. InterCinD Annual Meeting, BOLOGNA POP's DAY2022; Bologna (Italy)
2022Application of strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope analysis for the origin determination of fruits and vegetables.Robatscher, P., Aguzzoni, A., Bassi, M., Pignotti, E., Zelger, J., Chizzali, S., Puntscher, H., Bacher, F., Guerra, W., Zignale, P., Voto, G., Scandellari, F., Tagliavini, M., Tirler, W. International Horticultural Congress 2022; Angers (France)
2022Geographical Tracing of Cereals from South Tyrol (Italy) and Neighboring Regions via Strontium Isotope Analysis.Bacher, F., Aguzzoni, A., Chizzali, S., Pignotti, E., Puntscher, H., Zignale, P., Voto, G., Tagliavini, M., Tirler, W., Robatscher P. 12th international Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol); Gaming (Austria)
2022La pericolosità delle microplastiche.Tirler, W. Plastiche: riciclo e microplastiche; Bologna (Italy)
2021Studio della dinamica di assorbimento dell’acqua irrigua in alberi di melo tramite tecniche isotopiche. Aguzzoni, A., Engel, M., Zanotelli, D., Penna, D., Comiti, F., Tagliavini, M. XIII Giornate Scientifiche SOI; Catania (Italy)
2020The applicability of strontium isotope ratio analysis to investigate the traceability and authenticity of agricultural products. Puntscher, H.; Aguzzoni, A.; Pignotti, E.; Bassi, M.; Scandellari, F.; Voto, G.; Zignale, P.; Chizzali, S.; Zelger, J.; Guerra, W.; Tagliavini, M.; Tirler, W.; Robatscher, P. 8th MS J-Day - Online
2019Geographical origin of Italian apples based on strontium isotope ratio and multi-element analysis. Aguzzoni, A.; Bassi, M.; Pignotti, E.; Scandellari, F.; Robatscher, P.; Tirler, W.; Tagliavini, M. 2nd Food Chemistry Conference; Siviglia (Spain)
2019Characterization of Italian apples by Sr isotope ratio analysis. Aguzzoni, A.; Bassi, M.; Pignotti, E.; Scandellari, F.; Robatscher, P.; Tirler, W.; Tagliavini, M. 7th MS J-Day; Bolzano (Italy)
2019Geographic Traceability of North Italian apples based on Sr isotope ratio and multi-chemical fingerprint.Aguzzoni, A.; Bassi, M.; Pignotti, E.; Scandellari, F.; Robatscher, P.; Tirler, W.; Tagliavini, M. 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium; Piran (Slovenia)
2018. Strontium isotope fingerprint of apple trees: Its variability according to multiple agricultural Sr-sources and soil heterogeneity. Aguzzoni, A.; Bassi, M.; Robatscher, P.; Tirler, W.; Scandellari, F.; Tagliavini, M. 2nd IRMS Day; Messina (Italy)
2018Multielement composition and strontium isotope ratios used as provenance indicators for apples from different growing areas in Northern Italy. Aguzzoni, A.; Bassi, M.; Tchaikovsky, A.; Robatscher, P.; Tirler, W.; Scandellari, F.; Tagliavini, M.; Prohaska, T. EGU General Assembly; Vienna (Austria)
2018MC ICP-MS Measurement of the 87Sr/86Sr under dry plasma conditions for samples with low Sr concentrations.Bassi, M.; Aguzzoni, A.; Robatscher, P.; Scandellari, F.; Tirler, W.; Voto, G.; Tagliavini, M. Spettrometria di massa isotopica: Attualità sui recenti sviluppi tecnologici ed applicazioni in Italia; Pisa (Italy)
2016Die Bedeutung von Grundwasser in Vergletscherten Einzugsgebieten: Das Matscher Tal in Südtirol, Italien. Engel, M.; Penna, D.; Esposito, A.; Brusetti, L.; Bertoldi, G.; Tirler, W.; Comiti, F. Grundwasser - Mensch - Ökosysteme: 25. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie in der DGGV; Karlsruhe (Germany)
2014Measuring the performance of biomass small scale gasification plants by implementing mass and energy balance.Vakalis, S.; Prando, D.; Patuzzi, F.; Mimmo, T.; Gasparella, A.; Tirler, W.; Dal Savio, S.; Chiaramonti, D.; Prussi, M.; Baratieri, M. 4th Central European Biomass Conference; Graz (Austria)
2014Assessment of a test methodology suitable for small scale gasification systems. Vakalis, S., Prando, D., Patuzzi, F., Mimmo, T., Gasparella, A., Tirler, W., Mair, K., Voto, G., Chiaramonti, D., Rizzo, A. M., Pettorali, M., Prussi, M., Dal Savio, S., Andreasi, D., & Baratieri, M. 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition; Hamburg (Germany)
2013Experiences in niomass gasification in South-Tyrol: The “GAST” Project.Vakalis, S.; Prando, D.; Patuzzi, F.; Mimmo, T.; Gasparella, A.; Tirler, W.; Dal Savio, S.; Chiaramonti, D.; Prussi, M.; Baratieri, M. 21st European Biomass Conference: Setting the course for a biobased economy; Copenhagen (Denmark)


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